Parshas Devarim
Deuteronomy 1:1 - 3:22

Parshas Devarim
Deuteronomy 1:1 - 3:22

Surface Existence ©

By Dr. Akiva G. Belk

This study of mysticism in Hebrew Gematria is dedicated in loving memory to Mr. Mordechai and Mrs. Augusta Litman, may they rest in peace..

Within our world there is so much surface existence. I consider surface existence very shallow. Life is so much more than go to work... come home... hang out... have fun. For a Jew life is about drilling deep, deep wells. Life is about purpose! Life is about meaning!

When Moshe's 120 year life was drawing to a conclusion he wanted to convey this concept to us, the Jewish People whom he led for nearly forty years. How would he demonstrate to us his message on the meaning of life?

The Torah states, "In traverse of the Jordan River in the land of Moav in as much as [that was his situation], Moshe elucidated the Torah in [seventy] languages [to B'nei Yisroel] as follows..." Deuteronomy 1:5

So Moshe taught... instructed... explained "the Torah" Hah Zohs {meaning, "in other words," meaning "in other languages..." meaning "in seventy other languages"!} The insertion of Hah Zohs was for the explicit purpose of informing us of this fact! Hah Zohs could have been omitted had it not been extremely important! The Torah could have recorded, "Moshe elucidated the Torah as follows.." However what Moshe did was much more than that. "Moshe elucidated the Torah in [seventy] languages as follows..."

So in Moshe's last days he used every language to elucidate the Torah to B'nei Yisroel. It wasn't because B'nei Yisroel couldn't understand Torah. It wasn't because B'nei Yisroel experienced language communication barriers. Chassidim, it was because Moshe wanted B'nei Yisroel to experience the multidimensional beauty of Torah from all known languages of the world. This was Moshe's last great act, teaching the Torah in seventy languages. Moshe gave seventy explanations of the same Torah! Moshe shared seventy unique beauties of Torah with B'nei Yisroel. Moshe taught seventy different dimensions of Torah!

Originally according to our sages Moshe learned the Torah from Hashem on Har Sinai. He then taught Aharon the Kohen Godal, the High Priest, the chapter of Torah he learned from Hashem. Then Aharon after learning the chapter with Moshe would assume his position on Moshe's left side. At that point Aharon's sons {Kohanim} would enter. Moshe would teach the chapter he learned from Hashem and studied with Aharon the first time. Then after studying this chapter with Moshe and Aharon, Aharon's sons would assume their positions. Elazar sat on Moshe's right side. Isamar sat on Aharon's left side. At this point the seventy Zi Kay Neem {elders} entered. Moshe would teach the chapter he learned from Hashem and studied with Aharon the first time and studied with Aharon's sons the second time. Then after studying this chapter with Moshe, Aharon and Aharon's sons they would assume their positions on the sides. At this time Kal Yisroel would enter. Moshe would teach the chapter he learned from Hashem and studied with Aharon the first time and studied with Aharon's sons the second time and studied with the seventy Zi Kay Neem {elders} the third time. Now Moshe taught all Yisroel.

The point is that Moshe was the Torah teacher to Aharon, to Aharon's sons, to the Zi Kay Neem and to Kal Yisroel. Now as the individual Torah teacher Moshe expands his teaching to the highest human form of learning. He taught the Torah in seventy languages, dimensions and levels...

It is at this point that we observe the Gematria of Ha Torah to be 616. This is the Gematria Godal of Yom, meaning day. Now that is significant because the normal Gematria of Yom is only 56. Mystically this is saying, 'Supercharge your day - this day - by eleven levels!' 56 x 11 = 616. It is NOT accidental that the normal Yom is one eleventh of the Gematria Godal Yom. If you want to enter the new day with only one eleventh of your potential JUST LEAVE THE TORAH OUT... G-d Forbid! IF YOU WANT TO SUPERCHARGE YOUR DAY INCLUDE HA TORAH!! Now that is only on one level of one language.... Moshe was so far beyond what many of us reach. Moshe lived and experienced other vast dimensions THAT HE SHARED ONE TIME WITH KAL YISROEL, at his life's conclusion!

Ha Torah {The Torah}
616 = Hey 5 Reish 200 Vav 6 Sav 400 Hey 5

Yom, {Day} - Gematria Godal
616 = Mem = 600 Vav = 6 Yud = 10

Yom, {Day} - Normal Gematria
56 = Mem = 40 Vav = 6 Yud = 10

56 x 11 = 616

Another Gematria of 616 is Dee Bar Tee, meaning, "I have spoken." In a mystical sense Moshe shared with us one of life's greatest dimensions, learning Torah daily! How did Moshe speak? Well Moshe actually embodied the Living Torah. Moshe was the Living Torah! HATORAH became Moshe and Moshe became HATORAH on every human level. So when Moshe spoke he spoke not as Moshe but as HATORAH. At life's conclusion Moshe revealed HATORAH in seventy languages each with their own special dimension and explanation! That truly is HATORAH... known and understood in every language...

We also observe that HATORAH is Gematrically connected to Bi Tzeed Kaws Chaw, meaning, "In your [our] righteousness." In other words, our depth of daily commitment to Torah learning reflects "In our righteousness."

We learn from Moshe's great example. Moshe did not quit his position of leading Kal Yisroel when Hashem informed him he would not be allowed to cross the Yardein into Eretz Canaan. Moshe accepted the fate of his situation with the greatest dignity! He taught Torah in the ultimate! He instructed Torah in seventy languages! He rose to the occasion!

Dear reader, whatever our situation is, we can learn from Moshe's example. Regardless of all Moshe's many responsibilities he made time to learn and teach Torah. HATORAH was Moshe's nearest and dearest companion. Moshe's life was absorbed in every dimension of HATORAH, Torah on seventy different levels in seventy different thought processes! When Moshe reached the most difficult place in his life he was accompanied by his dearest friend, HATORAH.

We can apply Moshe's example by daily absorbing HATORAH! Being absorbed in Torah means we have a lifetime companion. We have a lifetime guide. We have a dear, dear lifetime friend. Thinking of the Torah as a book of laws is the wrong message! Thinking of the Torah as a book of do's and don't's is only a surface view... is NOTHING MORE THAN A SURFACE EXPERIENCE!

Story: Dr. Belk's Old Siddur
Within our home are a varity of siddurim, prayer books. Each family member has at least one siddur they are partial to for one reason or another. Like everyone else in the family I enjoy saying prays from my favorite siddur. My siddur is an old friend of many years. We have grown older together. The pages of my friend are worn. Some pages are graced with wine stains from the hundreds of kiddush prayers we have shared. Other pages are spotted with candle droplets from years of sharing havdalah together. An occasional handwritten note may be found of a special joy we have shared. My old siddur and I have shared thousands of hours of prayer and learning together. Last year my siddur retired. Yet we still share many wonderful times together especially when I am feeling low. On days when I am low he joins me. Together we journey back in time together.

In the same way the Torah is also dear. Moshe was closer to the Torah on every level than to any human being. Aside from Hashem the Torah was his dearest and closest friend!

Moshe taught us the proper perspective of Torah! Torah is our lifetime's dearest and best friend! This is what Moshe taught us!

Best Wishes!

Dr. Akiva G. Belk

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